English Civil War learning resource

A map from 1644 showing the city of Oxford as it was then surrounded by fortifications

English Civil War learning resources

A gold horizontal flourish

Key Stages: KS4, Post 16

Subjects: History

About these resources

The Bodleian Libraries has many primary sources relating to the turbulent English Civil War period, when King Charles I moved his court to Oxford, and even held meetings of his Royalist Parliament inside the Bodleian Libraries in 1644.

This resource pack contains photos and transcripts of primary sources, with discussion questions to support students in considering how the English Civil War impacted the lives of ordinary people in Oxford, who suddenly found that their city was the King’s HQ and a potential battleground. Themes include new arrivals, food and farming, earning a living, and fortifying the city.

You might also like to explore the Ashmolean Museum’s Civil War resources, including information on 10 key museum objects and a Civil War virtual tour of Oxford.

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