About this display
The idea of a globally connected world is not a new one.
This display showcases some of Oxford’s connections to global travel in an age of trade and colonial expansion. From geographies to student plays, these sources reveal various ways that individuals thought about the world and their place in it.
Alongside original copies of John Smith’s 1612 Map of Virginia, Richard Hakluyt's The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (London, 1600), and other publications and manuscripts from this era, Loraine Rutt has created a series of miniature porcelain globes and small domestic vessels, drawing on the research of academics Nandini Das, Lauren Working and Emily Stevenson. Each piece is designed to set up a dialogue between the present and the past, exploring how maps influence our sense of place, belonging and identity.
Dr Emily Stevenson, Lecturer in Early Modern and Renaissance Literature at the University of York; Dr Lauren Working, Lecturer in Early Modern Literature at the University of York; and Professor Nandini Das, Professor of Early Modern Literature and Culture at Exeter College, University of Oxford.