About the lectures
As part of Alice's Day at the Bodleian Libraries, join us and the Lewis Carroll Society at the Weston Library for free lectures about the life and work of Lewis Carroll.
The Oxford Dodo – real and imagined
Mark Carnall, Life Collections Manager at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, will discuss the cultural resonances, extinction, conservation and human interpretation of the Dodo and show the Carrollian links with specimens at the Museum.
Alice's adventures under Water
Join Lenny de Rooy, author and Alice and Wonderland expert, as she reveals the inspirations for her humorous story, Alice's Adventures under Water, a new story for the Lewis Carroll series. The talk will explore the 'fabulous monsters and curious creatures' which feature and their parallels with the original Alice books, as well as surprising revelations about real marine life.
Quest for the Jabberwock
The frabjous story of how an Anglo-Saxon Stanza, a Monster from the Tulgey Wood and a Beamish Boy with a Vorpal Blade helped 'Jabberwocky' become Lewis Carroll's most celebrated poem. With Brian Sibley, Chair of the Lewis Carroll Society. Beware – the talk may feature whiffling and burbling!
A new Bodleian Libraries acquisition of photographs of Alice Liddell will be on display.
The lectures will be held in the Sir Victor Blank Lecture Theatre at the Weston Library.
Blackwell Hall, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG
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Wheelchair access
The Weston Library is wheelchair accessible.
In association with the Lewis Carroll Society.