Letterpress six-week course


Letterpress six-week course

A gold horizontal flourish

  Tuesdays, 15 October – 26 November 2024

  5.30pm – 8pm

 At the Bodleian Old Library

 £220 (concessions £200), places limited

This course is fully booked.

Discover the craft of letterpress printing

In this course, instructor Richard Lawrence will introduce you to letterpress printing and you will pursue a project of your own while learning more advanced techniques such as two-colour printing.

Based in the Bodleian’s letterpress workshop within the Schola Musicae, Bodleian Old Library, you will learn the art of hand-composition with wood and metal type. The workshop includes an orientation to a range of hand-operated presses in the workshop, including the 'Duerer Press', a replica of a wooden 15th-century press, Albion and Columbian platen presses, a ‘Western’ (Vandercook-style) proofing press, and a star-wheel etching press.

This course is suitable for beginners and for those with some experience of printing. In consultation with the instructor, you will match your project to your current level of ability and learn new skills as you go along.

The classes take place on Tuesdays from 5.30–8pm on the following dates:  15 October, 22 October, 5 November, 12 November, 19 November, 26 November 2024.   


Richard Lawrence is based in Hurst Street, Oxford, and has been printing letterpress for more than thirty years.

  Tickets and booking information

Standard ticket: £220
Concession ticket (Oxford University students and staff, Oxford Brookes students and staff and Friends of the Bodleian): £200

When you have booked your place, the ticketing system will send you an automated confirmation.


Printing workshop, Schola Musicae,  Bodleian Old Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG

The class will meet in the printing workshop in the Schola Musicae, Bodleian Old Library. The room is accessible via a ground-floor entrance. Please report to the Bodleian Library Great Gate, accessed from Catte Street, upon arrival. Please report to the Bodleian Library Great Gate, accessed from Catte Street, upon arrival.

 Wheelchair access

The Schola Musicae is wheelchair accessible.

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A gold horizontal flourish